Sunday, July 20, 2008

Huzoor Bux and the Water Tanker Mafia

Ever since i learnt to drive, i have been battling unpredictable, loud and aggressive buses, rickshaws, motorcycles and cars on the bumpy streets of Karachi. The worst demon to hit the streets, however, is the slow, lumbering, leaky water tanker that has a tendency to angle its rather large rear at your headlights in narrow side lanes.

According to estimates, there are about 5000 water tankers in the city of Karachi. These tankers each make about 10 to 12 trips up and down the city streets daily. This means that your chances of bumping into at least one such monstrosity are quite high.

Crazy traffic, bumpy streets,.... we, at the channel, decided to look into this particular issue. Where are these tankers getting their water from, does their heavy weight and many trips up and down karachi's streets damage the roads and have they really been resposible for such a large number of traffic accidents?

So, we isolated a Mr Huzoor Bux, a repesentative of the Private Water Tanker Association for details.
