Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Right Number

The Right Number by Scott McCloud, a 3 part sequential story of a man's obsession with finding love through the right combination of phone numbers, is a must see.

Panel from the inside back cover to Love and Rockets #10, ©1985 Gilbert Hernandez.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

A fairy tale from the funny farm - to be illustrated

Once upon a time i had a dream. It was a pretty dream, full of colour and warmth and scented curiosities. In my dream, i was a beautiful princess living in wonderland.
I treasured my dream, wrapped it up in scented paper, cushioned it within red velvet and tied it up with a heartstring. I stored the dream in a brightly lit chamber in my heart and i gazed at it everyday, in awe of its beauty.
One day i awoke to find it gone, someone had stolen it. My chamber now lay dark and empty, the velvet torn to shreds and scattered on the cold, hard floor. I cried at my loss. I cried for days and days, my body wracked with grief.
One day, when i could cry no more, the tears stopped flowing. A little bird sat at my feet, its body glistening with my tears. The bird twittered, shrugged off my tears and spread out its wings in preparation for flight. I looked up to see a ray of light had entered my chamber and the scent of freshly cut grass assailed my nostrils. I ran after the bird as it flew towards the light.
I am still running...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Equality never looked so pissed

To clarify (for those of you who have commented): this image was an illustration for a magazine article some one else wrote. It is NOT a self portrait. Lighten up guys!

Is it any wonder i'm tired?

Enjoy your Lucky, my friend/ It's truly a wonderful blend/ A rich, nutty flavor/ That we know you will savor/ How do Haikus work again?

What (or who) drives someone to wake up at 3:30 am, hop onto one bus after another, to arrive at wimbledon common (of all places) at 5:45 am on a weekday?

Jamie Lloyd

As it so happens, i, alongwith 9 other physically challenged women, have registered for a 6 week course to tune and tweak and tone the 600 muscles we must supposedly exercise a day to maintain 'optimum physical shape'.

Today was the first day of the course and a refreshing start to yet another long day of work/meetings. Despite having had 2 hours of sleep, i have to say, physical training in a park, bright and early in the morning, certainly lifts up your spirit.

I am now armed with a diet plan, a daily exercise program, a support group and a personal trainer who doesnt take kindly to excuses. Joy!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Need Patricia Hewitt MIND?

In light of the current proposal for the Mental Health Bill, i would just like to say...

First and foremost, i am astounded by the government's assumption that CCBT (Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is a good idea.
Secondly, CTOs (Compulsory Treatment Orders) a.k.a Psychatric Asbos, are just another form of discrimination and reveal an alarming lack of understanding of the issues surrounding Mental Health and the provisions made for it in this country.
Thirdly, i would like to draw attention to Creative Routes and Bonkersfest! because they really do care about the mad'uns.

It's Toasted

Varied as a World Tour - I just smoke a Lucky

One of the joys of attempting to establish yourself a career in the Creative Industries is the myriad and varied part time jobs you pick up along the way. Currently i am moonlighting as a fundraiser: I raise funds for deaf children.
So if you're a Londener, on your lunch break in the busy city and happen to hurriedly walk past an especially bouncy, chatty little person in an oversized jacket who greets you with a big smile, a loud hello and attempts to appeal to the philanthropic nature of your neglected spirit, its probably yours truly; lapsed designer/social conscience.
Fundraiser by day, performance/graphic artist by night, i have been keeping busy putting together as many project proposals as i can muster and over all revelling in the creative arts.
Recommended: the Love and Rockets collection that i recently discovered quite by accident over an unexpected conversation at the BBC bar where, much to the disappointment of any staff with prior experience at BBC GMR, the philharmonic had been replaced by a very loud and rather confused DJ act anxiously pushing aside tables in a vain attempt to 'clear the dance floor'. Cue: leave Television centre, and get dragged into the pub around the corner by a rather exuberantly drunk web developer where i smile pleasantly, hide behind a pillar and flee, silently lighting a Lucky as i make my exit, in a cloud of smoke.