Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Varied as a World Tour - I just smoke a Lucky

One of the joys of attempting to establish yourself a career in the Creative Industries is the myriad and varied part time jobs you pick up along the way. Currently i am moonlighting as a fundraiser: I raise funds for deaf children.
So if you're a Londener, on your lunch break in the busy city and happen to hurriedly walk past an especially bouncy, chatty little person in an oversized jacket who greets you with a big smile, a loud hello and attempts to appeal to the philanthropic nature of your neglected spirit, its probably yours truly; lapsed designer/social conscience.
Fundraiser by day, performance/graphic artist by night, i have been keeping busy putting together as many project proposals as i can muster and over all revelling in the creative arts.
Recommended: the Love and Rockets collection that i recently discovered quite by accident over an unexpected conversation at the BBC bar where, much to the disappointment of any staff with prior experience at BBC GMR, the philharmonic had been replaced by a very loud and rather confused DJ act anxiously pushing aside tables in a vain attempt to 'clear the dance floor'. Cue: leave Television centre, and get dragged into the pub around the corner by a rather exuberantly drunk web developer where i smile pleasantly, hide behind a pillar and flee, silently lighting a Lucky as i make my exit, in a cloud of smoke.

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